Hi! I'm Justin Morgan, a Software Engineer

Passionate about technology and driven to innovate. Committed to transforming complex problems into elegant solutions

A beautiful picture of Me

About Me

Hello, I'm Justin Morgan, a computer science major and staistics minor at the University of Central Arkansas. As a Database and Integrations Engineer Intern at Acxiom LLC, I am deeply engaged in designing and maintaining internal database systems. My role extends to leveraging cutting-edge IPaaS systems, utilizing third-party APIs, and authentication techniques, including OAuth and API keys. This work reflects my deep passion for technology and my knack for problem-solving.

I'm motivated by constant self-improvement in computer science and staying updated with the latest technology trends. I value collaboration and communication, believing that these are essential for success. My aim is to create groundbreaking solutions that enhance people's well-being and contribute to a better world. I'm excited about the limitless potential of technology and am dedicated to making a significant impact in the industry.

My Portfolio

Calculator Image

Algebra Calculator

Algebra calculator adept at deciphering mathematical equations, leveraging binary tree algorithms and a token mechanism.

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Calculator Image

CNN Image Classification

A deep learning model using a CNN neural network implemented using PyTorch for image classification.

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Skills & Experience

My exposure to a variety of programming languages
has enabled me to cultivate a multifaceted
understanding of software development
principles and best practices.

CSS & Bootstrap
a computer nerd
cool photo
University of Central Arkansas August 2021 - Present
Computer Science
  • Covered core concepts in C++ such as data types, variables, operators, control structures, and functions, as well as more advanced topics like object-oriented programming, classes, inheritance, polymorphism, and templates.
  • Studied data structures including advanced data structures, their implementation, and appropriate use cases. Also gained an understanding of associated algorithms, their time and space complexity. This allowed me to form the foundation for efficient and maintainable software development and essential problem-solivng skills.
Data Structures
cool photo
Acxiom LLC January 2022 - Present
Data Engineer Intern
  • Instrumental in optimizing SQL queries and views, resulting in enhanced database performance and efficiency.
  • Immersed in acquiring a profound knowledge of SQL, honing my skills in effectively handling, analyzing, and managing intricate data sets within relational databases.
  • Supported team members by researching best practices, providing insights, and assisting in the implementation of modern database technologies.
  • Understanding of third-party APIs and authentication techniques, including OAuth and API keys, complemented by a decent understanding in RESTful and SOAP service methodolgies
  • More To Come!!!
MySQL Agile Practices ServiceNow SnapLogic
Justin Morgan
Software Engineer
Let's make
something together!
I am eager to explore potential collaborations and am always on the lookout for new and exciting opportunities to grow and innovate.
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